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Veterans Affairs - Palo Alto Healthcare System

Construction Management and Engineering Support IDIQ 

Palo Alto, Menlo Park, Sunnyvale, Livermore, and French Camp, CA  |   2015 - 2021

The VA Palo Alto Health Care System (VAPAHCS) is in the middle of a multi-billion dollar rebuild of its facilities.  VAPAHCS operates a capital project portfolio with upwards of 150 active projects annually in various stages of the project life cycle, from conceptual planning and design to construction of over 2.3 million GSF of buildings. Over the next decade, nearly one million GSF of new facilities will be added along with the disposition of nearly 400,000 GSF of known seismic and functionally deficient buildings.


The VA Campuses included in the VAPAHCS include Palo Alto, Menlo Park, Sunnyvale, Livermore, and French Camp


SIRIS as a subcontractor to APSI Construction Management is providing project/construction management, engineering support, safety, inspection, commissioning, medical equipment planning, and interior design.  We currently provide a staff of more than 10 professionals who provide these services on a full-time basis and additional part-time support as needed in a staff augmentation capacity on various campuses which include: Menlo Park, Palo Alto, Sunnyvale, Livermore, and French Camp.  Project types vary and include seismic upgrades, utility upgrades, site development, campus walkway improvements, medical office renovations, HVAC upgrades, building demolitions, infrastructure enhancements, new police annex, emergency generator upgrade, chiller project, flood damage repairs, campus parking upgrade, exterior facade and roof replacements, and sports park landscaping.  


We have included a sample of these projects below:


  • $7.9 million Seismic upgrades of Building 323 and Infrastructure Enhancements, Menlo Park

  • $8.2 million Seismic retrofit and lobby addition, Sunnyvale

  • $9.2 million Building 51 Seismic Replacement, Site Development, and Utilities Upgrade, Palo Alto

  • $5M Building 100 Cath Lab Renovation and Hybrid OR, Menlo Park. 

  • $4M Building 101 Medical Office Renovation and Sleep Rooms, Palo Alto 

  • $860K Building 64 Prosthetics Relocation and Audiology Renovation/Expansion, Livermore

  • Veterans Affairs Stockton Community Based Outpatient Clinic Interior Design and Medical Equipment Planning, French Camp

  • $1.5M Building 520 Patient Restroom and Patio Area Modification, Palo Alto

  • $389K Building 520 Shower Renovation, Palo Alto

  • $130K Operating Room Flooring Replacement, Palo Alto





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